The Best Animated Music Videos

The Best Animated Music Videos

In the present digital age, a music video is regularly as significant as the song itself. Budgets are tremendous, and the outcomes are as cinematic as any film in your nearby movie theater. Be that as it may, music videos have been around for quite a while, so it’s becoming progressively hard to be unique.

Animation may be the response to this issue, as there are definitely no restrictions to what can be made utilizing this video style. What’s more, accordingly, there are some inconceivably imaginative models from all around the globe.

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Following is a list of the best music videos ever that we have seen.

The White Stripes – Fell In Love with a Girl

Moving ceaselessly from traditional animation, the video for The White Stripes’ 2002 hit utilizes stop motion animation joined with parcels and heaps of LEGO.

This careful technique for video creation was made edge by edge to show Jack and Meg White alongside their instruments, with French Director Michel Gondry and his group reconstructing the LEGO after ever picture had been shot. The video’s prosperity lies in the smoothness of the animation, demonstrating that Gondry’s patience and meticulousness paid off at long last.

It’s said that Jack White endeavored to make an arrangement with LEGO whereby each and every future sold with a little LEGO set. The toy-mammoth declined, and when they adjusted their perspective after the achievement of the single, The White Stripes front man chose to dismiss them consequently.

PSY – Father (with Lang Lang)

At the point when you hear any notice of PSY, your first idea is in all probability his raving success ‘Gangnam Style’, however things being what they are, there’s a whole other world to the man than catchy tunes and silly dance moves.

‘Father’ highlighting Chinese pianist Lang is a delicate ballad about the struggles of being a father, and the video is the ideal narrating vehicle (even without deciphering the verses). In this apparently true to life liveliness we see a straight course of events of a dad and child by means of a progression of photo frames, and the disposition gradually slips from euphoric to heartbreaking.

The video, complete with Chinese captions in a gesture to PSY’s collaborator, is an emotive masterpiece that is certain to carry a tear to your eye: it absolutely did to our own!

Cocoon – I can’t wait

French band Cocoon’s 2016 single is fitting with their signature style, and the video is one of the most perfect track matches on this list. The song is light and airy, with darker lyrics that perfectly contrast with the animation’s idyllic scenes.

Inspired by American artist Esther Pearl Watson’s work, the animation brings to life the characters which feature in her paintings. The style of the animation stays true to her bold brush strokes and muted color palette, and sees surreal scenes is a town filled with people and animals.

The success of the video lies within director Simon Medard’s ability to spot how well the visuals would suit the track; it really is a match made in heaven.

Kanye West – Heartless

Animating a person is a difficult undertaking at the best of times, and when that person has an ego the size of Kanye’s it’s even trickier. But, the video to Heartless does the job perfectly.

Directed by Hype Williams who’s also been a part of several other Kanye collaborations, including Gold Digger and Diamonds from Sierra Leone, the video was released in 2008 to accompany the track taken from the 808s & Heartbreak album.

The video is rotoscoped, meaning that Kanye’s actual movements were recorded and then drawn over for accuracy and authenticity. Any fan will recognize the rapper’s signature swagger as he moves through a semi-realistic neighborhood which is said to include Kanye’s former apartment block.

Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood

The genuine inventive masters behind these brilliant artists are Blur frontman Damon Albarn and British comic book god Jamie Hewlett (who made the famous Tank Girl funny cartoon). In 2001, the pair dropped the Gorillaz’s self-titled presentation and breathed life into the band using a progression of animated videos, including one for the earworm hit single, “Clint Eastwood.” In it, a phantom (voiced by highlighted rapper Del the Funky Homosapien) interrupts the band’s bland video shoot and makes a lot of zombie gorillas’ move to the beat “Spine chiller”- style. Only in the world of animation, isn’t that so?

Modest Mouse – King Rat

While on visit Down Under in 2007, Modest Mouse encountered Australian entertainer, Health Ledger. At the point when he pitched his idea for an animated video to accompany “Ruler Rat,” a still-unreleased single off 2009’s No One’s First and You’re Next EP, the craftsmen turned out to be fast companions. Record was unyieldingly against whaling off the shores of his local Australia and needed to delineate what it’d resemble if whales chased people for food. It turns out animation was the perfect platform to pull off such an enlightening thought.

Rossonian – Sidewalks

As Denver band Rossonian knows, experiencing childhood in suburbia can really be somewhat hard. It’s the sort of spot where individuals are raised to feel exceptional, regardless of whether they’re living in the most unexceptional condition possible. Regardless of where we originated from, we’re no different at long last, isn’t that so? Utilizing similar unpleasant lines and scribbly liveliness of, state, Schoolhouse Rock! Or on the other hand Fat Albert, craftsman John Grigsby communicates such existential fear with a straightforward animated story about a youthful rural kid who launches into space and transcends the repetitiveness of his home life.

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