Category: Animation

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Typography, the Underrated Phenomenon

Typography, the Underrated Phenomenon

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make composed language legible, intelligible, and engaging when displayed. The game plan of type includes choosing typefaces, point sizes, line lengths, line-spacing, and letter-spacing, and modifying the space between pairs of letters. Invest in animations. It might be something we frequently neglect, yet typography has...

How To Be A Better Logo Animator

How To Be A Better Logo Animator

Regardless of whether you’re a graphic designer animating one of your logos or a motion graphic artist animating a customer’s logo into a grouping, realizing how to add motion to a logo while saving the first design is an extremely helpful skill. Corporate customers may have restrictions about what you may or may not be...

Why Brands Should Invest in Animation Motion Graphics

Why Brands Should Invest in Animation Motion Graphics

Motion graphic, explainer video, animated info-graphic—whatever the name, these short, animated videos are as often as possible found on landing pages and in email campaigns, going in quality from beginner to exquisite. A fast Google search uncovers the Internet is supplied with information supporting the estimation of video — how it builds engagement, helps conversions,...

Why You Should Use GIFs for the Marketing of Your Brand

Why You Should Use GIFs for the Marketing of Your Brand

GIFs are the same old thing, yet their utilization is more well-known than any other time in recent memory. Here’s the reason brands ought to incorporate them as a major aspect of their substance marketing strategy. Marekt your brad, but your logo should ooze class. GIF, which is an abbreviation for Graphics Interchange Format, was...

Importance of Logo Animation

Importance of Logo Animation

You are most likely acquainted with the significance of designing a legitimate company logo. Your logo is an image for your company. It assists customers with recognizing your brand and regularly fills in as the “face” of the company. As marketing advances to address the issues of changing innovation and buyer propensities, logos must develop...

Learning Animation Design in Few Steps

Learning Animation Design in Few Steps

Animation design is the craft of making embellishments and different designs for different types of media, including computer games, motion pictures and even social media posts. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shares that most animation designers pick a claim to fame to concentrate on, for example, making animated TV shows or games, making computer-produced...

Top 10 Best Tools for Whiteboard Animation

Top 10 Best Tools for Whiteboard Animation

People appreciate viewing engaging videos. I’m not discussing video when all is said in done here, yet online videos. The ongoing examination shows that 6 out of 10 individuals need to watch online videos instead of TV appears. As indicated by Cisco, over 80% of the complete traffic will have a place with online videos...

The Best Animated Music Videos

The Best Animated Music Videos

In the present digital age, a music video is regularly as significant as the song itself. Budgets are tremendous, and the outcomes are as cinematic as any film in your nearby movie theater. Be that as it may, music videos have been around for quite a while, so it’s becoming progressively hard to be unique....

Using Kinetic Typography in Marketing

Using Kinetic Typography in Marketing

Composed words can be successful. By the by, it is fundamentally progressively incredible when joined with the right sort of visual presentation. Progressively like, up-to-date interest grows the effect of formed substance and makes it furthermore satisfying for the pursuers. There are heaps of different ways to deal with make composed substance all the more...

5 Reasons Why Animation Is Crucial for Businesses

5 Reasons Why Animation Is Crucial for Businesses

The animation is something which is substantially more than just films and cartoons. Its utilization in the present current period has advanced at a rate that straightforwardly influences the ROI (Return on Investment) for various brands and businesses. In this plan of different promotional exercises and brandings, if there is one technique that can assist...